FEMD’s DG said the action followed the flood prediction by the National Flood Early Warning Systems (FEWS) Centre, Federal Ministry of Environment, Abuja.
Following the flood prediction, Ms Wenegieme said FCT might experience river flooding from its surrounding states – Kogi, Kaduna, Niger, and Nasarawa.
She urged the benefiting communities to take care of the planted trees by watering and safeguarding them until they mature.
He said everyone must get involved to sustainably protect and conserve the nation’s environment.
Single-use plastic products (SUPs) are used once or for a short period before being thrown away.
“This will make them achieve their full potential and be useful to themselves and the society at large,” he said.
Mr Kaigama said the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) stipulated that every diocese plant a minimum of 20,000 trees.
The forum called for the review of the Petroleum Refining Regulations of 1974 and other relevant laws to accommodate the establishment of artisanal refineries.
Nigeria has less than 400 of the hundreds of thousands that used to roam the country.
The judge maintained that she could not stay proceeding.