The Iranian-backed Lebanese Hezbollah militia has also repeatedly attacked Israel with drones since the beginning of the Gaza war almost 11 months ago.
Hostages who were freed in negotiations between Israel and Hamas said Mr Dancyg had given history lessons during their captivity in Gaza.
“We ask our partners here in the United States and abroad to join us in this call until civilians in the region are secure from indiscriminate acts of war.”
The Israeli military says a teenage Palestinian suspected of shooting two Israeli men in Jerusalem on Tuesday has been arrested.
Mr Bennett now becomes Israel’s 13th prime minister while Mr Lapid will be the 14th.
Foreign leaders, including U.S. President Joe Biden, have issued similar calls as Mr Buhari, urging an immediate de-escalation of hostilities and respect for human rights.
In addition, he said Israeli security forces should exercise maximum restraint, calibrate their use of force to spare civilians and civilian objects.
The government has begun to ease coronavirus-related restrictions gradually.