Justice Abiola Soladoye held that the evidence of the respective prosecution witnesses was believable and truthful.s
Soladoye said that the defendant was a dirty old man.
The trial judge described Mr Ekanem as a “sexual terrorist”.
Justice Abiola Soladoye held that the prosecution had proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt on the charge of defilement against Mr Okon.
She said the two daughters told the court their biological father began having sex with them when their mother died during childbirth in 2008.
According to her, the medical report and the defendant’s confessional statement were admitted in evidence without any objection from the defence.
The survivor gave vivid and gory account of her ordeal in the hands of the defendant,” stated the judge.
The 51-year-old cleric is to spend double life imprisonment for impregnating the sisters, age 13 and 17.
“The survivor identified the defendant as her lesson teacher and the person who had forced sexual intercourse with her,” the judge held.
“The testimony of the defendant portrayed him as a serial rapist who took turns to defile the survivors.”