In public trust and humane decision-making, Nigeria’s Supreme Court currently has a lot of work to do.
There can only be two possible reasons.
Regular judicial duties and election petition season conspired to keep his lordship away from home.
Statistics on case decisions reeled out by the chief justice showed the Supreme Court has become captured by politicians.
Nigerians interested in changing their country’s politicised, corrupt judiciary could profit from a study of how Malawians did it.
When judges choose to immerse themselves in the theatre of power politics, it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that elements of mercenarism are involved.
According to Nigerian courts, you can undertake an election without candidates, administer an election without INEC, and produce winners without votes.
He was a clerk in a commercial firm, a federal civil servant-telegraphist, a high school teacher, a law professor, and an executive director-legal adviser in a commercial bank.
In the past, judicial greatness was calibrated in the currency of jurisprudence.
Akpabio’s rhetoric of running an uncommon Senate has now disintegrated into a reality of uncommon lawlessness.